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180 WEEK: My Top 10 Favorite Running Moments
Do you know how hard it is to rank your Top 10 favorite out of 180 races? So hard. Now I know how a polygamous Mormon must feel like picking a favorite child. Seriously.
I didn’t set some complex criteria to rank these races. And, how could I? I’ve had a lot of amazing experiences with many amazing people over the past seven years. I’ve accomplished a lot — not only have I done over 150 half marathons, but including nearly a dozen marathons and a number of ultra distances — including a 50 miler.
While some of these races reflect some of my personal accomplishments — the ones that have meant the most have been the races I’ve had memories with others attached to them. Whether it was running with Jill during her first marathon, Lizz during her first half marathon or my first pacing gig — I have a lot of cherished memories.
I’ve had a number of races that have helped shift my perspective in life and running. Oddly, most of those have happened while running the Salt Lake City Marathon? Go figure?
Anyways, I don’t want to give too much info on the races below. Here are my Top 10 races of my 180 journey! Enjoy …
RACE 10 Timp Half (07/19/14)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on May 31, 2016 at 5:36pm PDT
RACE #69 — This was my first — like VERY first — pacing gig. I paced the 2:40 group with my friend Jay and the RYR Pacing Team. We had a blast! Not only was it the first time pacing, but it was my first time running the Timp Half.
This race really started a gig that I’ve enjoyed IMMENSELY throughout my running journey. Being able to help others reach their goals is truly a gift, especially when you can help them through an empathetic point of view — because you’ve been there too.
What also set this race apart is that I paced Jill for the last few miles of the race — and it was quite the experience. To make a long story short — I held back a bit around Mile 11 or so to pace her in, letting Jay go ahead — and then we fought through some nasty July heat.
It was also the time I learned that there are people who can swear worse than a sailor. Jill was NOT happy about running in the heat — and she let her displeasure known. All I could do was laugh. But, she did awesome as she PR’d and subsequently swore off July races.
RACE 9 Ogden Marathon (05/17/14)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on May 31, 2016 at 1:04pm PDT
RACE #62 — I love surprises. I’ve done it a number of times throughout my running journey and — well — life. This one was pretty fun. My friend Becca was training for her first marathon and at the time when she signed up and I just wasn’t interested in them. I had taken about a year off from running them — and wasn’t feeling it yet.
But, I started doing the training runs with her and — well — that attitude changed. After a couple longer 14-15 mile runs I decided to run the Ogden Marathon as well. But, instead of telling her I decided that I’d surprise her at the starting line — so that’s what I did.
I made up this whole rouse throughout my blog and social media about not running the marathon. I even claimed to be running another race in Salt Lake City that day. But, I came to the pre-race meal with the rest of the group in Ogden just to be THERE. Little did Becca know I stayed with some other runners that night instead of heading home.
I ended up surprising her at the starting corral and despite separating around Mile 7, we met up around Mile 21-22ish after he nearly got pulled off the course because of the heat. But, we ended up finishing together and she became a marathoner!
Not only did I cherish the moment and surprise, but that’s also when I truly fell in love with the Ogden Marathon — even during the years that it down poured on us!
RACE 8 Salt Lake City Half Marathon (04/21/12)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on May 29, 2016 at 5:01pm PDT
RACE #12 — This race meant a lot to me. The previous month my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and instead of collapsing into previous old habits — I used running to help me process how it affected me. I hadn’t had too many races under my belt and her diagnosis really shifted my focus and mentality — as I was running for someone besides myself.
After my mother’s diagnosis I joined the Huntsman Hometown Heroes team — a team that raises money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute, where my mother was being treated. With little time to raise money for the SLC Half — I decided to get attention by promising to run in ALL DENIM if I raised over $1000. And, by full denim, I mean — long denim pants, a denim vest and the works.
Needless to say, I raised well over $1000 for the Cancer Institute and I ran the race in full denim. It was hot and rather miserable. Not to mention the number of comments I got from runners, volunteers and a few police officers along the course.
And, if you’re wondering — my mom has been in remission now for over five years!
RACE 7 Handcart Days Half Marathon (07/23/11)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on May 29, 2016 at 3:15pm PDT
RACE #1 — This might seem a little low for my first race, but I’m sure you’ll agree the six races above are worthy of the ranking. Yet, that doesn’t diminish the impact and accomplishment of my first half marathon.
It was a fight to get to the starting line. Sure, it was difficult physically to train for my first 13.1 miles, but honestly I thought it was harder training for my first 5K then any other distance. But, the mental preparation was immense for me. I didn’t know what to expect? I didn’t even know if I could do it?
But, I put in the needed work and training and had faith that I’d reach the finish line. And, obviously, I did it. It wasn’t easy. It was tough. But, crossing that finish gave me a confidence that’s been unmatched since.
The other take away from this race was the fact that I did this — alone. I drove to the race alone. Stood in the corral alone. Ran the race alone. And, finish alone. Well, not really — my sister and brother-in-law did show up to take pictures.
But, I knew nobody within the running community — and now seven years later … that’s all changed. I can’t be any more grateful for the friendships I’ve gained in that time span. I feel blessed and lucky to be a part of this running community here in Utah. I can only imagine what it will be like when I cross that finish line on Saturday — a complete 180 if you ask me.
RACE 6 Salt Lake City Half Marathon (04/19/14)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on May 31, 2016 at 6:38am PDT
RACE #58 — This might seem like such an odd race to put in my Top 10, especially this high. It seems like such an mundane race to have on this list. But, this race shifted my perspective about running more than any other race. Not just in my approach toward goals, but the power that running can have to change your life.
Within running terms — this race sucked. I was going off less than an hour or so of sleep thanks to spending the previous night ghosthunting. And, despite that fact, I really want to push for a solid 2:20 finish time. I came nowhere near that goal. And, I learned to be completely fine with that with this race.
Within three miles of the race I knew I didn’t have it in me so I decided to just make the most of the situation and just have fun. So I started running with friends and just enjoying the moment. And, by Mile 8 I found myself at an aid station handing out bagels to runners. I felt like I couldn’t have had any more fun — but, I was definitely wrong about that.
It was at that aid station that I ran into my friend Jill who was having a sucky, sucky run. She was in the pain cave with a sour attitude — to say the least. Once I started running with her and we both confessed our sucky runs we just decided to make the best of it and have fun.
And, we had fun.
We ended up posing for pictures in Liberty Park, making friends with a lady running in a Star Wars costume and then we topped it off with a Slurpee at Mile 12.8 — which we ran with across the finish line. We came in over three hours — and we couldn’t have cared less.
This race really taught me a lot — too much to cover just here — but, namely the importance of shifting your narrative when things don’t go as planned and it’s okay to not have a good day. That mentality really changed not just my running, but my life. I’ll always be grateful for this run because of that.
RACE 5 Deseret News Marathon (07/24/12)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on May 29, 2016 at 6:48pm PDT
RACE #19 — This was my first marathon. Having ran my first half marathon just a year before — this was tough. Going from a 5K to a 10K to a half marathon was a relatively “easy” progression. But, doubling 13.1 to 26.2 miles?! It was feat I had to physically AND mentally prepare to do.
And, it was tough.
I was actually aiming to make the St. George Marathon my first marathon, but I made the decision to move up my first marathon — to get it done with and to commemorate my the anniversary of my first half marathon by running it. I did a lot of my training by myself — including my 20 miler, but like I still do — I used a lot of my half marathons as training runs. And, it got me there.
Most of my training was done while my mom was still battling cancer, which really helped propel me toward my goal. Knowing that she couldn’t give up when it got tough gave me the courage to keep pushing forward when it got hard for me. She really inspired me.
I will always remember standing at the start line reflecting on what I was about to do. My mind nor body knew what was ahead. But, I was ready to find out. I ran with cards of quotes, reminders and notes from family that I read at every mile.
I was joined by my friend Susette for the last 7-8 miles — and she really helped me get through the wall at Mile 20. Not only that, but we had a BLAST especially at Mile 22 when we had a Powerade belching contest.
Since my mom was going through chemo treatments at the time she wasn’t able to be at the finish line. But, my sister was there once again filming my finish. It was a special moment for me crossing that finish line and being able to call myself a marathoner.
RACE 4 Antelope Island Classic 50K (11/14/15)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on Jun 2, 2016 at 7:38pm PDT
RACE #113 — When I started my journey I never had any intention to become an ultrarunner. The thought of running 30, 50 or 100 miles sounded like pure misery and agony (which it is, but that’s a story for another day). I was happy running half marathons with the occasional marathon thrown in here and there.
But, something happened in 2014, 2015 — my health started going to pot. My thyroid tanked and I started gaining weight and just not feeling well. Which to make a long story short — I was eventually diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease a few years later. But, in the interim between the symptoms and the diagnosis — I was frustrated.
I was frustrated that I was getting slower. I was frustrated I was gaining weight despite my best efforts. And, I was frustrated that my health just wasn’t where it was a few years before. I was at a lost.
But, after running the Buffalo Run 25K trail race with Jill, she helped me realize that you don’t have to be fast to run many of these trails races — as we watched other friends do these trail 50Ks, 50 milers and 100 milers. It planted that seed and soon I was believing that I could actually do a 50K.
So I took the step to sign up and started putting in the training for this race. I used marathons and a few 20+ milers to prepare myself. My friend Tim signed up to run alongside me as well as Jason — so I knew I wasn’t going to be doing this one alone.
It was a tough race. The first 13 miles killed me and the last 20 miles or so we were being stalked by the sweepers. But, I met the needed cutoffs (some barely) and we got to the finish line — dead last (something I repeated the following year) But, I did it! I was an ultrarunner!
After hopping in Jason’s car we ran to the first 7 Eleven we could find and I loaded up a Double Big Gulp cup with Slurpee. It was heaven. It was victory. I had earned it.
I’m still in awe of this accomplishment — and every ultra I’ve done, because I seriously never would have believed something like that was within me.
RACE 3 Drop13 Half Marathon (6/8/18)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on Jun 10, 2018 at 10:50am PDT
RACE #177 — This is the latest entry on this list — and happened just less than over a month ago. This will always be one of my favorite moments for many, many, many reasons. I met Lizz at a luncheon I was speaking at the previous year and we became fast friends when she asked for help with her health and weight loss.
This is a pretty long story so I won’t share it here (gotta save something for my book, right?) — but — there was a touch of the define involved us crossing paths. Almost immediately meeting her I invited her to run a 5K which she embraced. Then not much later I kinda casually told her she was going to run a half marathon soon.
She chose this race because it was almost a year after we met and she started her journey. She put in a crazy amount of work, lost over 100lbs. and went through a lot to just get to the start line. She fought hard.
Like Becca in Ogden, I wanted to surprise Lizz at the start line. So I made up some story that I wasn’t running and that I was going to volunteer at the start line. I even dressed in my normal clothes. But, minutes before the gun went off I pulled her aside and told her I couldn’t let her do this alone since I got her into this mess as I was pulling my shorts and hoodie off to reveal my running clothes.
We then ran the whole 13.1 miles together. We ran with a number of other friends, got stopped by many more congratulating Lizz on her accomplishment and talked a lot about life and what it took to get to THAT moment.
It was a special race for me.
Not only did I fall much deeper in love with this running community as I watched so many runners encourage her on, but I saw a friend who had to give EVERYTHING to get herself there. She reminded me to be stubborn and resilient when dealing goals.
There are too many things about this race that I could share, so either go read the race report or just wait for my book to be finished.
RACE 2 Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon (9/13/14)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on May 31, 2016 at 6:25pm PDT
RACE #75 — Oh gosh, this really should be in a tie for second place along with the Drop13 Half Marathon, because both were equally special to me. Where do I even begin with this story and experience?
Jill and I met in college. We, along with her husband Mark, befriended each other in Communication Research after bonding over an epic paper we group wrote about Chuck Norris. Jill turned to running after a couple of bad pregnancies and the passing of her first daughter Isabel to Anencephaly.
Fast forward to 2014 she was kicking around the idea of running a marathon since a lot of people in our group were training for their first marathons as well. Going through exactly what I did when I fretted whether or not she could do it — I told her if she signed up I’d run the whole race with her.
And, I did.
It was a tough yet great race. Full of the ups and downs you’d expect from a marathon. We were joined by our friend Tim Gill for most of the race and then ran the last 5-6 miles with the sweepers — Susette and Cory.
The finish line video is still one of my favorites to watch when I need a little motivation. That moment meant so much to Jill and opened up a world of possibility that eventually propelled her into running ultra races.
I can’t not share the video, I’m sure you’ll love it too …
RACE 1 Pony Express Trail 50 (10/21/16)
A post shared by JosherRuns 180 (@joshruns180) on Oct 24, 2016 at 9:32am PDT
RACE #134 — This was one of the toughest things I’ve ever done ever. Ever, ever. This took a tremendous amount of training, dedication and mental strength — among other things. When I started losing my speed because of health issues I decided to focus on the longer distances — if I couldn’t run fast, run epic, right?
After running my first 50K the fall before I decided to tackle a longer distance — 50 miles. I picked this race for a number of reasons — but, more than anything it seemed very first time friendly because you provide your own crew who aren’t allowed be further than four miles from you. Being a ‘back in the pack’ runner — this brought a lot of comfort to me.
I was crewed by both Tim Sledgely and Jill — and they couldn’t have any better for me throughout the race. I ran many miles with Coach Blu from Addict II Athlete and a few other runners — I was having a great time. The first 40 miles actually weren’t that bad — I would send Tim and Jill ahead 2-3 miles before fueling up.
But, then I enter the pain cave. And, it sucked. But, at the same time I was anticipating it — almost wanting it. You’re probably wondering why I wanted to be in pain? And, the short answer is complicated — but, pain is a teacher. You can learn so much about yourself when you’re in the moment.
The pinnacle of that pain came at Mile 45, I was completely broken down. My body was worn out, my feet were dead and mentally I couldn’t picture myself taking one more step. I only had 5 more miles to the finish line, but it could have seemed like 50 more miles in the moment.
I sent Jill a mile or so ahead and told her I’d meet her there. I had so many thoughts going on in my head, but as I stood there in the pitch black with car lights driving off in the distance — I cried. I couldn’t stop the tears and I didn’t care. I hurt. I felt like I couldn’t take one more step.
Turning to the only thing I knew, I prayed. Probably one of the most frank prayers I’ve ever uttered. I just told God I couldn’t do this alone right now and to please send me someone — but, in the meantime to just help me take one step in front of the other.
Within 10-15 minutes that prayer was answered as Jed from my Addict II Athlete team rolled up and asked if I needed a pacer. I started crying again as I bawled out some semblance of saying — “YOU’RE AN ANSWER TO MY PRAYER!” I may of shock Jed, but he was a godsend and answer to my prayer.
The last 4.5 miles or so were tough, but Jed and Tim helped me so much. Once I got to that finish line, Jill was there with food ready for me devour as I tried to process what I just did.
I ran a 50 miler.
And, it is because of this experience that gave me the confidence to tackle a 100 miler one day. I wish that I would have done it by now. Thanks to injuries and recovery time I’ve had to put that dream on the back burner.
But, one day I’ll tackle it — because I know I can do it.
A post shared by The Runcast (@theruncast) on Feb 5, 2018 at 7:02am PST
180 WEEK: My Top 10 Favorite Running Moments was originally published on PhatJosh | My Life Running.
#@josherwalla#@joshruns180#@ketowalla#@theruncast#180#180 races#50 miler#deseret news marathon#drop13 big cottonwood#drop13 big cottonwood half marathon#Fitness#half marathon#handcart days half marathon#health#marathon#pony express 50 miler#revel big cottonwood#run utah#running#running utah#running180#salt lake city half marathon#salt lake city marathon#timp half#utah#utah running#wellness
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Running 2019: Week 20/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 12.95 miles Training Miles: 12.95 miles Race Miles: 0.0 miles Walking Miles: 15.95 miles TOTAL MILES: 28.9 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 43.05 miles Training Miles: 23.75 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 62.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 105.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 49.7 miles Training Miles: 13.5 miles Race Miles: 36.2 miles Walking Miles: 76.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 125.7 miles
Total Running Miles: 21.15 miles Training Miles: 14.95 miles Race Miles: 6.2 miles Walking Miles: 42.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 64.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 190.45 miles Training Miles: 97.85 miles Race Miles: 92.6 miles Walking Miles: 322.2 miles TOTAL MILES: 512.65 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) ✔ 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) ✔ 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) ✔ 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) ✔ 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) ✔ 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 (2:17:55.28) ✔ 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 (3:11:26) ✔ 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 (3:09:21.8) ✔ 9 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 (1:14:25) ✔ 10 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 11 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 12 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 13 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 14 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 15 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 16 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 17 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 18 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 19 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 20 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 21 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 22 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 23 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 24 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 25 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by Running girl (@running_girlmx) on May 19, 2019 at 7:16pm PDT
Running 2019: Week 20/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
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A Marathon Journey
This past year — well, really past two years — have been tough. My rhythm was basically shot April 1, 2017 when I rolled my ankle on a pothole in Emigration Canyon. After dealing with the ankle (well, I still sorta am) for nearly a year and a half, I started having issues with my back — not to mention thyroid issues along the way. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah — it’s all a story I’ve regurgitated plenty of times.
It’s just been a very emotionally taxing past couple of years because the person/runner I want to be doesn’t match up with the reality of my situation. It’s been hard accepting that these injuries are changing my body. I’m turning 38 during the summer — and it’s been hard to see myself grow old with running dealing with it all. It’s caused quite a bit of anxiety and some depression when I dwell on it for too long.
I’ve dropped a bunch of races — a bunch — this spring and early summer. Most of it is out of necessity with my back and just trying to be smart about racing. I admit a few of them were dropped because of my current state of mental health. But, it’s been difficult trying to figure out a new norm — because I’m not sure exactly what that means? And, it’s there that lies my anxiety. I want to run, but in what direction?
This past weekend I ran the Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K — one of my favorite races. Kasey and her team do an AWESOME job, plus you can’t beat the course — it’s fast, beautiful and just fun. I hate missing this race — well, really, any race — down Big Cottonwood Canyon.
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A post shared by Running 180 (@joshruns180) on May 31, 2016 at 6:25pm PDT
I’ve done this race four times prior to Saturday — and each of those times were the half marathon. This was the first time I’ve done the 10K. When I signed up for it last year, my goal was to PR (current PR is 1:04) or sub-hour the race. A year ago, I felt — or foolishly felt? — that was doable.
Well, that didn’t happen.
I’m not going to go much into the reasons why or how that happened. It really boils down to inconsistent training between bouts of back pain (my deteriorating disc syndrome). As I mentioned above my rhythm is off. I’m betting a better rhythm — but, finding it has been difficult to say the least.
During my race down Big Cottonwood Canyon I went out waaaaaaay too fast and I knew it. I didn’t care. I just wanted to fly for as long as my legs could take me. I actually did pretty well during the first half — I finished it within a half hour. I knew this pace wasn’t going to keep up especially when my legs started yelling obscenities my way.
When I started slowing down — I started feeling frustrating and getting myself into a negative talk cycle. I really started questioning what I should do about the rest of my race schedule for the year. My ultimate goal has been to do the Pony Express 50 Miler and/or the Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K — by using the Revel Big Cottonwood and Huntsville Marathons as training races.
I’ve been somewhat avoiding making a decision on those races, because those are goals I really want — and stepping stones toward my 100 miler goal. Plus, I haven’t done a marathon since 2016 — and that’s been weighing on me. Especially since it’s been a struggle for me during some half marathons to just finish.
All of these thoughts, doubts and concerns were weighing on me as I ran down Big Cottonwood on Saturday. I really was questioning what I should do for my fall races. It was somewhere around miles 3 or 4 that I had this feeling to forget about the Pony 50 or Antelope Island for now, but what I needed to do was focus on the Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon.
I needed a marathon journey.
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A post shared by Running 180 (@joshruns180) on Sep 11, 2016 at 5:56pm PDT
I needed to put my focus and energy on training for the marathon — not worrying about time, not worrying about the pace or my ability to do it. I know I can do it. I’ve done 11 marathons including four ultra races. I know how to complete a difficult race. But, I need to focus on the journey of training for one.
It was a very distinct and inspired feeling. And, I knew that was the direction I had to take. I needed to keep doing what I needed to strengthen my back and health, but I needed to focus on the totality of the journey — the emotional, social and spiritual aspect of the training. This is something I haven’t done in over five years — and it’s time to change that.
I really need a journey that I can work on by myself yet be supported by others. And, honestly, I have everything in front of me to do just that. Last September after Revel Big Cottonwood I invited a few of my friends — first time marathoners and those wanting to get their mojo back to join me in running the Revel Big Cottonwood this year with the goal to just finish. The plan was for me to sweep — or at least hangout with the sweepers — to help everyone get across the finish line.
The goal was to use this experience as a stepping stone toward my ultra races — the Pony 50 and Antelope Island 50K. But, with those still goals I want to do this year my focus needs to be solely on the Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon for the moment. Not just because a marathon is a huge task, but I need that ENTIRE journey more than anything. If after I’m done with Revel and feel like I can take the next couple of steps to up my training for the ultra races then cool — but, the focus is on the 26.2 and not to overlook it.
For someone, like me, who’s overcoming injuries and setbacks — the goal of 50 miles or kilometers is VERY daunting right now, and the anxiety it’s causing just makes training runs and races miserable. That’s why I need to forget about the 50 Miler and 50K races at the moment and just focus on the marathon as my goal for 2019. If I do just the marathon and not the ultras — it will still be a VERY successful year for me, the others would just be adds on, but I’m not pressuring myself into doing them.
So, really, that’s my plan. It’s pretty simple — I’m focusing on just the Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon as my goal for 2019. Every training run to race from June to race day in September is pointing me to the 26.2 miles down Big Cottonwood Canyon. Everything after that would just be a bonus. But, I know I can do this marathon, especially focusing on the Party in the Back and doing it alongside others.
So that’s the focus. Here is my training schedule …
Of course feel free to use my training schedule, but just remember — I’m not a personal training. This is just an adapted version of Hal Higdon’s Novice 1 training plan to my specific training schedule. I’m not exactly sure how some of these runs will unfold, but I do plan on running Mueller Park Canyon on a few of my mid-week runs and at least one of my 20 mile training runs. But, stay tuned into all of that later.
Before I jump into all the training as I mentioned my focus on this training cycle is to not just get the training miles in, but to also grow myself emotionally, socially and spiritually. I need to make sure I have a good balance of social and solo runs while also being in tune with my emotions and feelings. So throughout the next 18 weeks I am going to also be keeping a running journal to track my progress. I might share some entries here, I might just keep them to myself? I don’t know yet? We’ll see.
But, the point of that is I want to track my progress outside of just counting the miles. I really feel that I need that right now. I need to focus on getting much more out of my running than just miles. It’s something that I’ve been missing since I let the frustration and doubts that comes with injuries and health setbacks into my psyche. It’s amazing what’s done to my mental health, especially when you don’t notice right in front of you.
Now, there is a — fairly large — group of us who are all training for the Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon in September. I have a private group for all of us to coordinate training runs as a group or in smaller groups — primarily around the Wasatch Front here in Utah. If that’s something you’re interested in joining feel free to request join the group.
And, don’t feel like you need to jump in right at the beginning. If you’ve done a half marathon within the last month or so, you can jump in missing a couple weeks — especially if you feel you’re half marathon trained. So don’t feel you’ve missed out by joining a couple weeks into the training. Just join!
I am excited about this undertaking. I’ve been so focused on getting to my 100 mile goal — which is still there. But, I’ve got to let go of that for right now and focus on the positive parts of running, especially those parts that helped change my life in the first place. There is something extremely life changing about the marathon — no matter how many times you done one. And, that, that is what I need more than anything right now.
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Nov 3, 2018 at 11:27pm PDT
A Marathon Journey was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
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Running 2019: Week 19/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 8.2 miles Training Miles: 2.0 miles Race Miles: 6.2 miles Walking Miles: 17.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 26.1 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 43.05 miles Training Miles: 23.75 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 62.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 105.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 49.7 miles Training Miles: 13.5 miles Race Miles: 36.2 miles Walking Miles: 76.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 125.7 miles
Total Running Miles: 8.2 miles Training Miles: 2.0 miles Race Miles: 6.2 miles Walking Miles: 26.95 miles TOTAL MILES: 35.15 miles
Total Running Miles: 177.5 miles Training Miles: 84.9 miles Race Miles: 92.6 miles Walking Miles: 306.25 miles TOTAL MILES: 483.75 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) ✔ 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) ✔ 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) ✔ 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) ✔ 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) ✔ 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 (2:17:55.28) ✔ 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 (3:11:26) ✔ 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 (3:09:21.8) ✔ 9 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 (1:14:25) ✔ 10 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 11 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 12 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 13 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 14 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 15 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 16 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 17 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 18 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 19 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 20 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 21 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 22 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 23 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 24 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 25 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Nov 10, 2018 at 6:54am PST
Running 2019: Week 19/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
0 notes
Running 2019: Week 18/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 0.0 miles Training Miles: 0.0 miles Race Miles: 0.0 miles Walking Miles: 9.05 miles TOTAL MILES: 9.05 miles
(total as of May 1, 2019)
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 43.05 miles Training Miles: 23.75 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 62.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 105.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 49.7 miles Training Miles: 13.5 miles Race Miles: 36.2 miles Walking Miles: 76.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 125.7 miles
Total Running Miles: 0.0 miles Training Miles: 0.0 miles Race Miles: 0.0 miles Walking Miles: 9.05 miles TOTAL MILES: 9.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 169.3 miles Training Miles: 82.9 miles Race Miles: 86.4 miles Walking Miles: 288.35 miles TOTAL MILES: 457.65 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 (2:17:55.28) 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 (3:11:26) 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 (3:09:21.8) 9 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 10 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 11 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 12 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 13 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 14 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 15 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 16 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 17 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 18 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 19 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 20 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 21 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 22 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 23 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 24 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 25 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 26 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 27 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 28 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 29 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 30 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 31 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 32 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on May 5, 2019 at 6:04pm PDT
Running 2019: Week 18/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
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Running 2019: Week 17/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 16.1 miles Training Miles: 3.0 miles Race Miles: 13.1 miles Walking Miles: 20.05 miles TOTAL MILES: 41.15 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 43.05 miles Training Miles: 23.75 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 62.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 105.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 49.7 miles Training Miles: 13.5 miles Race Miles: 36.2 miles Walking Miles: 76.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 125.7 miles
Total Running Miles: 169.3 miles Training Miles: 82.9 miles Race Miles: 86.4 miles Walking Miles: 288.35 miles TOTAL MILES: 457.65 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 (2:17:55.28) 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 (3:11:26) 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 (3:09:21.8) 9 — May the Fourth Run 5K; May 4 10 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 11 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 12 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 13 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 14 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 15 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 16 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 17 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 18 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 19 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 20 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 21 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 22 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 23 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 24 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 25 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 26 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 27 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 28 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 29 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 30 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 31 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 32 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 33 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by The Runcast (@theruncast) on Nov 11, 2017 at 4:50am PST
Running 2019: Week 17/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
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Running 2019: Week 15/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 15.1 miles Training Miles: 2.0 miles Race Miles: 13.1 miles Walking Miles: 18.25 miles TOTAL MILES: 33.35 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 43.05 miles Training Miles: 23.75 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 62.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 105.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 31.6 miles Training Miles: 8.5 miles Race Miles: 23.10 miles Walking Miles: 36.2 miles TOTAL MILES: 67.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 151.2 miles Training Miles: 77.9 miles Race Miles: 73.3 miles Walking Miles: 248.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 399.75 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 (2:17:55.28) 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 (3:11:26) 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 9 — Wasatch Trail Run: Corner Canyon; May 1 10 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 11 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 12 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 13 — Utah Valley Half Marathon; June 1 14 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 15 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 16 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 17 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 18 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 19 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 20 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 21 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 22 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 23 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 24 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 25 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 26 — Porter’s 10K; August 17 27 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 28 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 29 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 30 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 31 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 32 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 33 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 34 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 35 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Jan 21, 2019 at 7:46pm PST
Running 2019: Week 15/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
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Running 2019: Week 14/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 16.5 miles Training Miles: 6.5 miles Race Miles: 10.00 miles Walking Miles: 17.95 miles TOTAL MILES: 34.45 miles
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Great treadmill workout this morning! Two miles of power hills followed by three heart rate miles. The last mile was pretty tough, but my legs held through and I felt great. It’s hard for me at times to get out of the door in the morning. I do much better at evening workouts, but I’m wanting to change that, because I feel so much better when I run in the morning. It really makes a difference for me mentally. I’m hoping to get another run in before my 10 mile race down Emigration Canyon on Saturday. I’m trying to limit myself to around 15 miles a week so — a two mile run tomorrow or Friday morning is doable. —————————————————————— #runfitketo #running #fitness #keto #mediterraneandiet #wellness #mentalhealth #anxiety #ketodiet #ketoweightloss #ketolifestyle #ketosis #run #runner #runformentalhealth #anxiety #fitnesslife #hashimotos #hashimotosdisease #thyroid #thyroidproblems #health #weightlossjourney #mediterraneanketodiet #weightlosstransformation #fitnessgoals —————————————————————— Follow me @runfitketo for more running, fitness & keto motivation!
A post shared by Josher 🏃🏻♂️🏋🏻♂️🥩 (@runfitketo) on Apr 3, 2019 at 6:14am PDT
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 43.05 miles Training Miles: 23.75 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 62.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 105.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 16.5 miles Training Miles: 6.5 miles Race Miles: 10.00 miles Walking Miles: 17.95 miles TOTAL MILES: 34.45 miles
Total Running Miles: 136.1 miles Training Miles: 75.9 miles Race Miles: 60.2 miles Walking Miles: 230.3 miles TOTAL MILES: 356.4 miles
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Ran the Emigration Canyon 10 Miler this morning here in SLC. I signed up for the RUN SLC 15K earlier, but decided to do this one for the downhill miles. I needed them for Mt. Charleston at the end of the month. I hate eating that entry fee, but I don’t want to die in Vegas. I finished in about 2:18 hours — not bad. I was just grateful to be out there running with a back that wasn’t hurting. I’m grateful for the conversation I had with my friend Deborah. We talked about my back and the struggle it was fighting back from injury. She asked a question that I pondered almost the entire run — “What else do you have to prove?” Seriously, what do I? This was my 233rd race. I’ve done over 150 half marathons, nearly a dozen marathons and a few ultras to boot. But, seriously, what do I HAVE to prove? I mean sure, I haven’t done my 💯 Miler yet, but I know I can do it — it’s within the realm of possibility and doability for me. The focus has shifted in my running — it really is more about enjoying the adventure and making sure I grow old with running in my life. This mentality has been hard to accept for me. It’s been hard for me to not compare what I’m doing now to what I’ve been able to do. Who I am now is completely different to who I was 7-8 years ago. I need to remember and accept that. Will I get back there? I don’t know? Most likely not. But, that’s not my focus right now. The run was what I needed mentally, because I pondered a lot on that journey and about Deborah’s conversation. My legs were dead half way through, but I worked hard to be okay with that and not compare it to what I’ve done in the past — I was more than anything trying to simply be PRESENT and enjoy the company. Which I did! —————————————————————— #runfitketo #running #fitness #keto #emigration10miler #wellness #mentalhealth #anxiety #ketodiet #ketoweightloss #ketolifestyle #ketosis #run #runner #runformentalhealth #anxiety #fitnesslife #hashimotos #hashimotosdisease #thyroid #thyroidproblems #health #weightlossjourney #mediterraneanketodiet #weightlosstransformation #fitnessgoals —————————————————————— Follow me @runfitketo for more running, fitness & keto motivation!
A post shared by Josher 🏃🏻♂️🏋🏻♂️🥩 (@runfitketo) on Apr 7, 2019 at 10:59am PDT
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 (2:17:55.28) 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 9 — Wasatch Trail Run: Corner Canyon; May 1 10 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 11 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 12 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 13 — Utah Valley Half Marathon; June 1 14 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 15 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 16 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 17 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 18 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 19 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 20 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 21 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 22 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 23 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 24 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 25 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 26 — Porter’s 10K; August 17 27 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 28 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 29 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 30 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 31 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 32 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 33 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 34 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 35 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by The Runcast (@theruncast) on Oct 28, 2016 at 6:37am PDT
Running 2019: Week 14/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
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Running 2019: Week 13/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 14.25 miles Training Miles: 14.25 miles Race Miles: 0.0 miles Walking Miles: 10.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 25.15 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 43.05 miles Training Miles: 23.75 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 62.0 miles TOTAL MILES: 105.05 miles
Total Running Miles: 119.6 miles Training Miles: 69.4 miles Race Miles: 50.2 miles Walking Miles: 202.35 miles TOTAL MILES: 321.95 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 9 — Wasatch Trail Run: Corner Canyon; May 1 10 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 11 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 12 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 13 — Utah Valley Half Marathon; June 1 14 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 15 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 16 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 17 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 18 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 19 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 20 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 21 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 22 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 23 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 24 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 25 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 26 — Porter’s 10K; August 17 27 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 28 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 29 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 30 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 31 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 32 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 33 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 34 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 35 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Feb 4, 2019 at 3:53pm PST
Running 2019: Week 13/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
0 notes
Running 2019: Week 12/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 4.5 miles Training Miles: 4.5 miles Race Miles: 0.0 miles Walking Miles: 13.4 miles TOTAL MILES: 17.9 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 28.8 miles Training Miles: 9.5 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 51.1 miles TOTAL MILES: 79.9 miles
Total Running Miles: 105.35 miles Training Miles: 55.15 miles Race Miles: 50.2 miles Walking Miles: 191.45 miles TOTAL MILES: 296.8 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 9 — Wasatch Trail Run: Corner Canyon; May 1 10 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 11 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 12 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 13 — Utah Valley Half Marathon; June 1 14 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 15 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 16 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 17 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 18 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 19 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 20 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 21 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 22 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 23 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 24 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 25 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 26 — Porter’s 10K; August 17 27 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 28 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 29 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 30 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 31 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 32 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 33 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 34 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 35 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Nov 25, 2018 at 5:47pm PST
Running 2019: Week 12/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
#2019#2019 running#Fitness#goals#goals 2019#health#march#march 2019#running#running 2019#weight loss#wellness
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Running 2019: Week 11/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 8.2 miles Training Miles: 2.0 miles Race Miles: 6.2 miles Walking Miles: 14.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 22.75 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 24.3 miles Training Miles: 5.0 miles Race Miles: 19.3 miles Walking Miles: 37.7 miles TOTAL MILES: 62.0 miles
Total Running Miles: 100.85 miles Training Miles: 50.65 miles Race Miles: 50.2 miles Walking Miles: 178.05 miles TOTAL MILES: 278.9 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 (1:22:52) 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 8 — Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon; April 27 9 — Wasatch Trail Run: Corner Canyon; May 1 10 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 11 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 12 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 13 — Utah Valley Half Marathon; June 1 14 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 15 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 16 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 17 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 18 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 19 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 20 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 21 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 22 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 23 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 24 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 25 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 26 — Porter’s 10K; August 17 27 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 28 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 29 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 30 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 31 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 32 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 33 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 34 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 35 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Nov 25, 2018 at 5:47pm PST
Running 2019: Week 11/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
#10K#2019#2019 running#Fitness#goals#health#lucky 13#lucky 13 10K#run#running#running 2019#running goals#Running Week#wellness
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Running 2019: Week 10/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 3.0 miles Training Miles: 3.0 miles Race Miles: 0.0 miles Walking Miles: 13.25 miles TOTAL MILES: 16.25 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 16.1 miles Training Miles: 3.00 miles Race Miles: 13.1 miles Walking Miles: 23.15 miles TOTAL MILES: 39.25 miles
Total Running Miles: 92.65 miles Training Miles: 48.65 miles Race Miles: 44.0 miles Walking Miles: 163.5 miles TOTAL MILES: 256.15 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Lucky13 10K; March 16 6 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 7 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 8 — Wasatch Trail Run: Dimple Dell; April 24 9 — Revel Mt. Charleston Marathon; April 27 10 — Wasatch Trail Run: Corner Canyon; May 1 11 — Provo City Half Marathon; May 4 12 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 13 — Ogden Half Marathon; May 18 14 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 15 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 16 — Utah Valley Half Marathon; June 1 17 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 18 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 19 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 20 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 21 — AF Canyon Run Against Cancer 10K; June 22 22 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 23 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 24 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 25 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 26 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 27 — Utah Midnight Run 5K; July 23 28 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 29 — Timp Half; July 27 30 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 31 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 32 — Porter’s 10K; August 17 33 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 34 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 35 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 36 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 37 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 38 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 39 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 40 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 41 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28 42 — Utah Santa Run: Ogden; November 30
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Nov 25, 2018 at 5:47pm PST
Running 2019: Week 10/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
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Running 2019: Week 09/52
Weekly Miles
Total Running Miles: 19.6 miles Training Miles: 6.50 miles Race Miles: 13.1 miles Walking Miles: 23.25 miles TOTAL MILES: 42.85 miles
Total Running Miles: 32.3 miles Training Miles: 23.8 miles Race Miles: 8.5 miles Walking Miles: 77.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 110.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 44.25 miles Training Miles: 21.85 miles Race Miles: 22.4 miles Walking Miles: 74.55 miles TOTAL MILES: 118.8 miles
Total Running Miles: 13.1 miles Training Miles: 0.00 miles Race Miles: 13.1 miles Walking Miles: 9.9 miles TOTAL MILES: 23.00 miles
Total Running Miles: 89.65 miles Training Miles: 45.65 miles Race Miles: 44.0 miles Walking Miles: 150.25 miles TOTAL MILES: 239.9 miles
1 — New Year’s Revolution Run; January 1 (8.5 miles/3 hours) 2 — Sun Half Marathon; February 2 (3:25:42) 3 — SLTC Winter Series 15K; February 23 (2:27:51.8) 4 — SoCal Half Marathon; March 2 (4:56:29) 5 — Antelope Island Buffalo Run 25K; March 9 6 — Lucky13 Half Marathon; March 16 7 — Run Emigration 10 Miler; April 6 8 — Salt Lake City Half Marathon; April 13 9 — Wasatch Trail Run: Dimple Dell; April 24 10 — Revel Mt. Charleston Marathon; April 27 11 — Wasatch Trail Run: Corner Canyon; May 1 12 — Provo City Half Marathon; May 4 13 — Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K; May 11 14 — Ogden Half Marathon; May 18 15 — Wasatch Trail Run: Utah Olympic Park; May 22 16 — Race for Grief 10K; May 27 17 — Utah Valley Half Marathon; June 1 18 — Drop13 Big Cottonwood 5K; June 8 19 — Wasatch Trail Run: Solitude; June 12 20 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; June 19 21 — Utah Summer Games 10K; June 14 22 — AF Canyon Run Against Cancer 10K; June 22 23 — Heber Half Run for Autism; June 29 24 — Follow the Flag 5K; July 6 25 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; July 10 26 — Wasatch Trail Run: Brighton; July 17 27 — Speedgoat 25K; July 20 28 — Utah Midnight Run 5K; July 23 29 — Deseret News 10K; July 24 30 — Timp Half; July 27 31 — Wasatch Trail Run: Snowbird; August 7 32 — Wasatch Trail Run: Alta; August 14 33 — Porter’s 10K; August 17 34 — Mt. Nebo Half; August 24 35 — Pocatello Half Marathon; August 31 36 — Addict II Athlete 5K; September 7 37 — Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon; September 14 38 — Huntsville Marathon; September 21 39 — Pony Express Trail 50 Mile Run; October 18 40 — The Haunted Half: Provo; October 26 41 — Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K; November 16 42 — South Davis Turkey 10K; November 28 43 — Utah Santa Run: Ogden; November 30
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Feb 4, 2019 at 3:53pm PST
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Running 2019: Week 09/52 was originally published on Life In The Slow Lane.
#2018#2019#2019 running#california#Fitness#fitness goals#goals#half 156#health#huntington beach#race 230#running#running 2019#socal half marathon#southern california#weekly miles#wellness
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New Year, Same Me.
I love the turning of a new year. It brings with it a clean slate, a refocus and sometimes reboot. I love using the last couple weeks of December to recharge, refocus and plan for the upcoming year. It used to be used making new goals and expectations — but, I’ve stopped doing that years ago.
I now use the time to really just assess my long term goals and make tweaks here and there to help me get there. These can be running, fitness, social, spiritual, financial or relationship goals. Sure, there some goal beginning around January 1st, but I’ve stopped using it as a launch pad for goals — the best time to begin anything new is now. Why wait until the turning of the calendar?
It’s also one reason I started my weight-loss journey on a Tuesday. I knew what I needed to do, I didn’t have to wait until the following Monday to start. Why do the same to January?
This year my focus — or refocus — of my fitness goals is three-fold. I want to focus on adventures, increasing my time on trails and overall balance in fitness, food and miles. With my 180 race goal done, I’ve moved past keeping track of race number. Well, I mean I do to appease my OCD tendencies, but my goal isn’t to run 200, 300 or 500 races over 13.1 miles by a certain time.
I want adventure. I want to find adventure — and just embrace it. That’s why I’ve begun to look at my races more as adventures than — just another race. I won’t lie, there were some times during my 180 journey that I just did a race to do it because I wanted to get another one under my belt. Not saying that is an entirely bad approach, but — for me — it was a boring way to go about the goal at times.
So, this year I’m focusing on having adventures — with Revel Mt. Charleston, Speedgoat 25K and the Pony Express Trail 50. I’ve also scheduled the races around those three running adventures to support them mentally, physically and/or socially. Not only am I hitting more trails, but I am doing more 10K and 15K races — distances I have fallen in love with!
And, on top of that I am working on balancing my races and training runs between social and solo runs. As much of a social runner that I am, I am planning on a number of long solo runs — runs I plan on using for reflection. I’ve really fallen out of the habitat of running solo and I want to get back to that.
But, I am excited to do the Wasatch Trail Run Series and all nine mid-week races throughout the spring and summer. I am excited for the number of Trails & Pavement group runs planned throughout the year. I am excited to train for the Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon and Pony Express Trail 50 Miler — I need these adventures, especially with the people I will be training with.
This time next year, I hope I look back at my 2019 with excitement and gratitude for the adventures I’ve had, the relationships I’ve maintained and gained and hopefully with a deeper resolve to finally belt out that elusive 100 miler. A goal I hope to hit in early 2020.
It’s hard for me to ignore the excitement of the new year. I have so much I want to accomplish — but — more so experience in 2019. And, it’s going to take a lot of hard work, smart rehabilitation and balance within and without myself.
Here’s to 2019 and the adventures that await …
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Nov 21, 2018 at 7:12am PST
New Year, Same Me. was originally published on PhatJosh | Life in the Slow Lane.
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Training in 2019 ...
Training in 2019 …
It’s the first part of October and while I am somewhat freaking out that the end of the year is seriously right around the corner — I am also REALLY excited for the coming year. I love the last three months of every year. It’s a time I love winding down, assessing my year and planning for the next one.
Though, I’m kind always planning for the next year throughout the year.
Either way,…
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#2019#2019 goals#2019 running#Fitness#goals#goals 2019#half marathon#health#marathon#pony express trail 50 miler#running 2019#training#training 2019#training plan#ultrarunning#wellness
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Training in 2019 ...
It’s the first part of October and while I am somewhat freaking out that the end of the year is seriously right around the corner — I am also REALLY excited for the coming year. I love the last three months of every year. It’s a time I love winding down, assessing my year and planning for the next one.
Though, I’m kind always planning for the next year throughout the year.
Either way, registration opened for a number of races happening in 2019 and, yes, I’ve probably lost a complete paycheck already. I signed up for the Antelope Island Buffalo Run 25K and a number of others races. And, I’ll repeat the scene come November 1st when I sign up for the Cedar City Half and Speedgoat 25K.
Who needs money for Christmas?
As I have done for year’s past — the last 2-3 months of each year are my planning months. It’s when I like to really work on defining my goals for the upcoming year. The last two months are usually spent easing off the mileage to allow my body to rest a bit before going into the new year.
This year is no different. But, unlike past years — my goals are shifting a bit. In years past the goal was usually focusing on just working toward my 180 race goal. Last year the goal was focus on the 10 half marathons to my 180 while rehabbing my ankle for 2018 — after 2017 killed my goal of tackling my 100 miler. So, I am focusing on very specific goals for 2019.
I have four focuses …
Run a sub-30 minute 5K at the Drop13 5K on June 8th.
Set a PR in the 10K at the Vigor Big Cottonwood 10K on May 11th.
Train for the Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon on September 14th.
Train for the Pony Express 50 Mile Trail Run on October 19th.
I was wanting to go hard for a PR in the half marathon, but I am going to wait on that goal. I really want to focus on building up my mileage and training this year so that I can tackle a 100 miler in 2020. That’s my top priority and long term goal. But, I do want to put my full effort in doing really well at the Heber Half at the end of June.
So, in order to help me road map toward these goals, I’ve mapped out my whole year. That includes my training runs and workouts throughout the year. As you can see the training builds up around each goal race and culminates at the Pony Express 50 Miler. Come November and December my race schedule and mileage will be very low.
I am still not 100% on my training right before the Pony Express. I might change up my training SLIGHTLY so that I can fit in the St. George Marathon. But, I’m not completely sold on that. I am going to be running the 50 miler with a number of friends and I’d rather set up some training runs with them that are FREE then travel for a pricey marathon.
Anyways, here is my training schedule for 2019, let me know what you think …
XT: Cross Training, R: Rest, BOLD: Race Distance
(1) 12/30 – 01/05: (M) XT, (T) 13.1, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F), (Sa) 2.0
(2) 01/06 – 12: (M) XT, (T) 3.1, (W) XT, (Th) 3.1, (F), (Sa) 3.1
(3) 01/13 – 19: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F), (Sa) 13.1
(4) 01/20 – 26: (M) 8.0, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F), (Sa) 3.1
RACES: (1) Revolution Run, (19) St. George Half and (26) Frigid 5K.
(5) 01/27 – 02/02: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 3.0, (F), (Sa) 13.1
(6) 02/03 – 09: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 3.0, (F), (Sa) 6.2
(7) 02/10 – 16: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.0, (F), (Sa) 3.0
(8) 02/17 – 23: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 13.1
RACES: (2) Sun Half, (9) SLTC Winter 10K, (23) Zion Half.
(9) 02/24 – 03/02: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 6.2
(10) 03/03 – 09: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 15.5
(11) 03/10 – 16: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.0, (F), (Sa) 13.1
(12) 03/17 – 23: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.0, (F), (Sa) 6.0
(13) 03/24 – 30: (M) XT, (T) 4.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 6.0
RACES: (2) March Madness 10K, (9) Buffalo Run 25K, (16) Canyonlands Half.
(14) 03/31 – 04/06: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.0, (F), (Sa) 8.0
(15) 04/07 – 13: (M) XT, (T) 3.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.0, (F), (Sa) 13.1
(16) 04/14 – 20: (M) XT, (T) 3.5, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.5, (F), (Sa) 5.0
(17) 04/21 – 27: (M) XT, (T) 3.5, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.5, (F), (Sa) 5.0
RACES: (13) Salt Lake City Half.
(18) 04/28 – 05/04: (M) XT, (T) 3.5, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 3.5, (F), (Sa) 13.1
(19) 05/05 – 11: (M) XT, (T) 4.0, (W) XT, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 6.2
(20) 05/12 – 18: (M) XT, (T) 4.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 13.1
(21) 05/19 – 25: (M) XT, (T) 4.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 7.0
RACES: (4) Provo City Half, (11) Vigor BC 10K and (18) Ogden Half.
(22) 05/26 – 06/01: (M) 6.2, (T), (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 4.0, (F), (Sa) 13.1
(23) 06/02 – 08: (M) XT, (T) 5.0, (W) XT, (Th) 5.0, (F), (Sa) 3.1
(24) 06/09 – 15: (M) XT, (T) 7.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 5.0, (F), (Sa) 9.0
(25) 06/16 – 22: (M) XT, (T) 7.0, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) 8.0, (F), (Sa) 6.2
(26) 06/23 – 29: (M) XT, (T) 4.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 13.1
RACES: (27) Race for Grief 10K, (1) Utah Valley Half, (8) Drop13 BC 5K, (22) AF Canyon Run Against Cancer 10K and (29) Heber Half.
(27) 06/30 – 07/06: (M) XT, (T) R, (W) XT, (Th) 7.0, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 8.1
(28) 07/07 – 13: (M) R, (T) XT, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) XT, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 10.0
(29) 07/14 – 20: (M) 2.0, (T) XT, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) XT, (F) 3.0, (Sa) 17.3
(30) 07/21 – 27: (M) 2.0, (T) XT, (W) 6.2, (Th) XT, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 13.1
RACES: (6) Vigor Trail, (6) Follow the Flag 5K, (20) Speedgoat 25K, (24) DesNews 10K, (27) Timp Half
(31) 07/28 – 08/03: (M) 2.0, (T) XT, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) XT, (F) 8.0, (Sa) 12.0
(32) 08/04 – 10: (M) 3.0, (T) XT, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) XT, (F), 10.0 (Sa) 20.0
(33) 08/11 – 17: (M) 3.0, (T) XT, (W) XT/2.0, (Th) XT, (F), 5.0 (Sa) 13.1
(34) 08/18 – 24: (M) 5.0, (T) XT, (W) 5.0, (Th) XT, (F), 8.0 (Sa) 13.1
(35) 08/25 – 31: (M) 5.0, (T) XT, (W) 5.0, (Th) XT, (F), 5.0 (Sa) 13.1
RACES: (17) Run Elevated Half, (24) Mt. Nebo Half, (31) Pocatello Half.
(36) 09/01 – 07: (M) 5.0, (T) XT, (W) 5.0, (Th) XT, (F), 13.1 (Sa) 13.1
(37) 09/08 – 14: (M) 3.0 (T) XT, (W) 5.0, (Th) XT, (F) 25.0, (Sa) 26.2
(38) 09/15 – 21: (M) 2.0 (T) XT, (W) 5.0, (Th) XT, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 15.0
(39) 09/22 – 28: (M) 3.0, (T) XT, (W) 5.0, (Th) XT, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 30.0
RACES: (7) Cedar City Half and (14) Revel BC Marathon
(40) 09/29 – 10/05: (M) 2.0, (T) XT, (W) 5.0, (Th) XT, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 15.0
(41) 10/06 – 12: (M) 2.0, (T) XT, (W), 5.0 (Th) XT, (F) 5.0, (Sa) 13.1
(42) 10/13 – 19: (M) 2.0, (T), XT (W), 3.0 (Th), R (F) 50.0, (Sa) R
(43) 10/20 – 26: (M) R, (T) R, (W) 2.0, (Th) XT, (F) R, (Sa) 3.1
RACES: (12) Antelope Island Half, (18) Pony Express 50 and (26) The Haunted 5K: Provo
(44) 10/27 – 11/02: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT, (Sa)
(45) 11/03 – 09: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT, (Sa) 3.1
(46) 11/10 – 16: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT,(Sa)
(47) 11/17 – 23: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT,(Sa)
(48) 11/24 – 30: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 6.2, (F) XT, (Sa)
RACES: (9) Sandy City Turkey Trot 5K and (28) South Davis Turkey 10K
(49) 12/01 – 07: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT, (Sa) 3.1
(50) 12/08 – 14: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT, (Sa)
(51) 12/15 – 21: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT, (Sa)
(52) 12/22 – 28: (M) XT, (T) 2.0, (W) XT, (Th) 2.0, (F) XT, (Sa)
(53) 12/29 – 01/04: (M) 2.0, (T) XT, (W) 13.1, (Th) R, (F) XT, (Sa)
RACES: (7) Utah Santa Run and (1) Revolution Run.
I’m really looking forward to working toward Pony Express and eventually my 100 miler. I feel that as I focus on my goals of speed training toward my 5K and 10Ks that it will aid in my foundation for the marathon and ultra. Which will in turn set the base for my 100 mile training which I hope to start in January 2020.
What race will I do for my 100 miler? I’m not sure. I haven’t thought too much about it. There’s always the Jackpot Running Festival in February or a number of other races. But, I’m also not adverse to just creating my own race closer to home and inviting my friends to join me along for the journey.
But, yeah, stay tuned for all of that later. Much later. The focus right now is what’s right in front of me.
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A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Oct 1, 2018 at 7:58am PDT
Training in 2019 … was originally published on PhatJosh | My Life Running.
#2019#2019 goals#2019 running#Fitness#goals#goals 2019#half marathon#health#marathon#pony express trail 50 miler#running 2019#training#training 2019#training plan#ultrarunning#wellness
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